Sunday, February 10, 2013

The experiments

Dr. Mengele had a degree in anthropology, genetics, and eugenics. He was known to be more on the selection line than the operating room, and he was deemed responsible for the death of over 400000 people. His experiments involved chemicals, diseases, sewing, killing, and but most painful of them all, not using anesthetics. Patients could feel every single incision, poke, stab, cut, drop, and injection and the pain must have been unbearable. Many of his experiments even involved killing his patients, which we he would do by injecting chloroform into their hearts. Some of his experiments involved eye color, in which he would drop chemicals into their eyes to see the reaction and note any changes. He also studied dwarfism because he wanted to create giants. He would also test to see how different diseases affected different people. in a few of his experiments he even would sew twins together in an attempt to create artificial Siamese twins. He did have a license to kill his patients and many patients were killed to study a various number of things. When he did kill them, he made sure that they were in as best health as he could get them, however. His record as "angel of death" definitely suited him well

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